Mr. Mohsen Almehdhar Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni-Saudi Al-burak express company.

Announced in Mukalla on the election of Mr. Mohsen Ali Almehdhar as Chairman of Al-burak express joint Yemeni-Saudi Transportation company and the election of Sheikh Saeed Salem Bin kurban, and Sheikh Abdullah Obaid Almkhozom Vice-Chairman of the company, in the first meeting of the council after being elected by the General Assembly of the company. 

Announced in Mukalla on the election of Mr.Mohsen Ali Almehdhar as Chairman of Al-burak express joint Yemeni-Saudi Transportation company and the election of Sheikh Saeed Salem Bin kurban, and Sheikh Abdullah Obaid Almkhozom Vice-Chairman of the company, in the first meeting of the council after being elected by the General Assembly of the company.

The company was established earlier in Mukalla and has been anounced under the decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade No.133 for the year 2009 with a capital of $ 5 million. It should be mintioned that Al-Burak company will provide services in the field of land transport, sea and air, and will launch its activity in the domestic road transport as a first step has been to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

And commissioned the company's board brother Abdul Rahman Omar Bashrahil do Acting General Director of the company.

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