Hadramout sons marching convoy of relief and humanitarian assistance to the province of Abyan 07/08/2102.

Lunched today from the city of Mukalla convoy of relief and humanitarian assistance provided by the people of the province of Hadramout for their brothers in the province of Abyan and advanced relief convoy, General Director of the Directorate of Mukalla Mr. Salim Saleh bin Abdelhaq accompanied by a number of officials.


The convoy includes 16 large locomotive loaded with food of rice, flour, wheat, cooking oil, dates, tomatoes and a variety of drinks and brushes, blankets, tools and supplies for household and building materials and the requirements of different supplies .

The governor of Hadramout Mr. Khalid Saeed Aldeni explained that the convoy is an expression of the brotherhood of the sons of Hadramout for their brothers in Abyan province who have suffered in difficult conditions and tragic in the past period, and that this national duty and humanitarian embodies the spirit of solidarity, mutual support and cooperation of the sons of one homeland in calamities and adversity.

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The governor Aldeni expressed deep appreciation for all the merchants, contractors and businessmen and trading companies for their contributions and support for the convoy of relief, alluding to the overwhelming victories achieved by members of the armed forces and the People's Committees of the honorable sons of Abyan province in defeating the armed terrorist groups and cleanse their area of these criminal gangs, wishing the return of Abyan people to their homes and their areas and enjoy the security, stability and tranquility.

From his part, Vic Chairman of the Hadramout Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Fares Khaled Ben Halabi that this relief convoy of humanitarian heading to Abyan province comes as a contribution and support of the people of Hadramout and members of the commercial sector for their brothers in Abyan to help them to alleviate their suffering and provide them with an atmosphere of stability of living, noting that companies, institutions and the commercial sector and the men of charity have contributed to support the idea of ​​this project which cost about 300 million riyals is charitable and humanitarian in addition to the contribution of a Al-burak express company to ensure transfer of materials and supplies of the relief aid by 16 locomotive of the company's fleet,

Also Ben Helabi also expressed thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the branch of Yemen Economic Corporation represented by its General Director Mr. Mohamed bin Malik for its contributions in the process of storage and conservation of materials and organizing the convoy ...

It praised the agent to maintain Assistant Affairs Directorates coast Chairman of the Relief Committee Nasser Salim Bllaket the level of cooperation and coordination shown by the various agencies and commercial sectors and businessmen in the province of Hadramout in the conduct of the convoy of relief and humanitarian shows the awarenss of the religious and fraternal duty to support our brothers in the province of Abyan, noting that it is not a strang to the people of Hadramout who have good hallmarks and remarkable charitable and humanitarian work, praying to Allah to make this charitable work in the balance of Hasanat of all contributed and prayed to it.


Attended the inauguration of the convoy agent conservative Affairs Directorates coast Mr.Awad Abdullah Hatem and Chairman of the Committees of Social Affairs and services local council Dr.Abdul Baki Ali Alhuthrey and Mohammed Fares bin Faris and general manager for Hadramout security Mr.Fahmi Mahrous and the Secretary General of the local Directorate of the city of Mukalla Mr. Muhammad Ahmad ibn Ziyad and members of the governing body of the Directorate and members of the Board of Directors of Hadramout Chamber of Commerce and industry and a number of other officials in the executive and representatives of companies and businesses.

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