Creative Leader

Concluded early this week the activities of the training program "creative leader" for the fourth year, the number of 80 young men and women of excellence in Hadramout province for 12 days training.
A youth program to prepare leaders seeking to self-discovery and the development of skills and abilities and intellectual process through an intensive program of carefully planned academic approach to the preparation of a leading company leaders creativity family in Kuwait.

It features a number of courses, events and competitions and training trips, cultural and recreational escort and host a number of leaders in the fields of contemporary political, economic, media, religious and scientific to build relationships and expertise.

The program "creative leader" is a professional program and the first free to prepare outstanding young leaders in Hadramout since its inception in 2009 for the development of young people 's character and leadership abilities and qualify them to exercise a leading role in society and involve them in stimulating training environment for thought leadership.

A trainer in the program for this year Engineer Shadi Mohammed Almsadjada Certified Trainer in the strategies of human communication and preparation leadership, which is one of the few coaches in the Arab world specialists in the field setting leadership and winning certificates world in the field of training and training experience for many years praised by Giants training such as Dr.Ibrahim Faki d. Tariq Sweden and Dr. Mohamed Ashour, Stephen Covey, and Dr. Robert Smith and many others.

In conclution the team prepare for the program thanks all who contributed to the planning and preparation, coordination, arrangement, communication, and provide support for the success of the activities of the program, headed by Commerce and Industry of Hadramout and BMC Almihdhar company and its partners for development aid and media organizations, radio and all guests of the program, trainers and trainees.

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